The random blog is connected to the kink blog is connected to the poly blog is connected to the random blog...

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Odds and Ends

"What sort of diary should I like mine to be? Something loose knit, & yet not slovenly, so elastic that it will embrace any thing, solemn, slight or beautiful that comes into my mind. I should like it to resemble some deep old desk, or capacious hold-all, in which one flings a mass of odds & ends without looking them through. I should like to come back after a year or two, & find that the collection had sorted itself & refined itself & coalesced, as such deposits so mysteriously do, into a mould, transparent enough to reflect the light of life, & yet steady, tranquil composed with the aloofness of a work of art."

~Virginia Woolf
(The Virginia Woolf Reader
by Virginia Woolf, Mitchell Alexander Leaska
p. 299)


I am very much they type to toss words and phrases and ideas into a drawer, and hope they sift together into something that makes sense. I've already begun two very focused blogs, one about my love life, and one about my lust life. I'd like this place to be the whimsical pile of bits and pieces... ribbons and trinkets... things that run round in my head, or make me smile.

I'm not sure anyone would want to read such a jumble of nonsense, but here it is, for what it's worth, the key to my secret-est, messy-est desk drawer is in your hands.

Have fun mucking about.

Link Love

Link Love
